Great Fireball of '66

The author's artistic rendition of the "Great Fireball of '66". At around 7:15pm, on Sunday, April 24, 1966 – fifty-seven years ago this past April - I was 8 years old, and I just happened to be passing by the open front door to our house, in Falmouth, Massachusetts, facing, due, West...If I had been doing anything else - other, than that – I could not be writing this today… This is my digital painting/impression of the “Fireball”, as I observed it from my front door-step, super-imposed onto a photo of the Mullen-Hall School, in Falmouth, as seen from my perspective. I remember that the sky was still light, and absolutely cloudless (about 30 minutes after sunset) when I noticed a bright ball of light about the size and brightness of the full moon approaching from my left in my field of view (toward the South). I remember being, "frozen", in place, as I watched this bight, "thing” – I first thought it was maybe a burning aircraft, moving parallel wit...