
Showing posts from April, 2024

What Will the Sun Look Like During Totality?

The Glow of the Solar Corona During the Totality of the February 16, 1980, Total Solar Eclipse from Kenya, Africa. All photos by Harry Hammond. The total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, is set to be an awe-inspiring astronomical event that will mesmerize observers throughout North America. Several extraordinary phenomena will be unveiled when the Moon completely blocks out the Sun during the brief period of totality. The Solar Corona:  As the Moon's shadow covers the Sun, the solar corona, a radiant halo of superheated plasma, will become visible. Normally obscured by the Sun's intense brightness, the corona extends millions of kilometers into space. During totality, it will manifest as a delicate and ethereal crown encircling the obscured Sun. Its delicate tendrils, sculpted by the Sun's magnetic field, will extend outward, exposing the Sun's outer layers. Prominences and Filaments:  Watch for solar prominences, massive arches of hot gas, along the edge of the...

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks - A Celestial Wonder

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was imaged by Lukas Demetz and processed by Rolando Ligustri using Insight Observatory's affiliate remote telescope, AFIL-23 located in Nerpio, Spain. Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, a captivating icy traveler named in honor of the remarkable comet hunters Jean-Louis Pons and William Robert Brooks, periodically graces our skies, leaving stargazers in awe. Let's explore the fascinating tale of this celestial phenomenon that has captured the imagination of astronomers and skywatchers alike. In the early 19th century, Jean-Louis Pons, armed with telescopes of his own design, established himself as a legendary astronomer figure by visually discovering an astonishing 37 comets. This record remains unbroken to this day. Among his discoveries was an enigmatic object spotted on July 12, 1812—a comet with no apparent tail. Over the following month, this mysterious celestial body brightened, becoming dimly visible to the naked eye. By August 15, it reached its peak brigh...